Get your tech support questions answered faster! Our AI can understand the difficulty & complexity of your inquiries!
Team: Felix Ren (IEOR), Jinlin He (IEOR), Zihang Pan (IEOR), Pierre-Louis Missler (CEE), Reehan Shah (IEOR)
Advisor: Damien Thoulouse (Asurion), Lee Fleming (IEOR), Alex Beliaev (Fung)
A major drawback in tech chat support is that it takes longer to solve customer questions that are difficult or complex. A system that incentivizes difficult questions can significantly reduce the turnaround time on these questions and drive up customer satisfaction. Our team is disrupting this problem space by using advanced Natural Language Processing techniques and Neural Networks. We use state-of-the-art sentence embedding methods to represent chat transcripts and train Neural Networks on these embeddings to gauge question difficulty. The final result is an API that can smartly identify difficulty or complexity of customer questions in real-time to develop appropriate strategies for quicker resolutions & to drive up customer satisfaction.
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Advisor Feature: Damien Thioulouse, Asurion
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