Berkeley MEng Class of 2022 accomplishments
There were 670 MEng graduates this year, comprised of 572 full-time, 6 part-time, 10 MBA/MEng graduates; several MEng students who requested third semester extensions- Graduates represent 43 countries and regions, including China, India, France, Taiwan, Kenya, and more. Among the cohort, 257 undergraduate schools are represented.
- 43 students completing the inaugural Tech+PLUS Certificate program
- Career programming highlights from the past year included hosting a cross-disciplinary iHackHealth appathon, welcoming 9 industry speakers in the engineering leadership speaking series, many MEng affinity group-led events, a new industry mentorship program, and much more!
- MEng graduates will move on to work at top companies like Accenture, Amazon, Apple, Applied Materials, Bloomberg, Energport, Fehr & Peers, Google, Huawei, Intuitive Surgical, Intel, Illumia, Lockheed Martin, Meta, McKinsey & Company, Penumbra, Pixar, Rivian, Ripple, and Tesla.
- The Class of 2022 had 172 capstone teams, 109 faculty-led projects, 63 partner-advised. Among this cohort, capstone accomplishments range from enhancements in healthcare to mitigating the impacts of natural disasters.
- In May, we hosted the annual end of year showcase with over 800 registrants at Mudd Hall. The 2022 End of Year Showcase web page features presenting teams and award winners.
Pledge of Ethical Conduct for Engineers
We, the graduating engineering Class of 2021, in recognition of the importance of our technologies in affecting the quality of life throughout the world, and in accepting a personal obligation to our profession, its members and the communities we serve, pledge to commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct. Throughout our careers, we will consider the ethical implications and the impact on safety, health and welfare of the public and the environment of the work we do before we take action. While the demands placed upon us may be great, we make this declaration because we recognize that individual responsibility is the first step on the path to a better world for all.
— Adopted by the Student Relations Committee, Engineering Student Council and some 85 student societies of the UC Berkeley College of EngineeringLearn more about the Fung Institute at funginstitute.berkeley.edu. Edited by Ashley Villanueva
Berkeley MEng celebrates 670 graduates was originally published in Berkeley Master of Engineering on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.