By Lauren Leung
We are pleased to introduce our Fung Institute Advisory Board, composed of nine leaders across sectors in management, education leadership, and technology innovation. Each member of our board brings extensive experience and insight into guiding the strategic initiatives, growth, and future focus of the Institute.Coleman Fung — Chair / CEO & Cofounder, Blue Goji Corporation

Tsu-Jae King Liu — Dean, College of Engineering

Achin Bhowmik — Chief Technology Officer & Executive Vice President of Engineering, Starkey Hearing Technologies

Vinod Philip — CEO of Service Power Generation, Siemens Gas and Power

Warren Reed — Executive Director, JPMorgan

Dr. Venkata (Murthy) Renduchintala — Group President & Chief Engineering Officer, Intel Corporation

Rendel Rieckmann —Head of Secure Communications Business, Airbus Defence and Space, Germany

Leyla Seka, Partner Operator Collective

Lee Fleming — Faculty Director, Fung Institute

Introducing the Fung Institute Advisory Board was originally published in Berkeley Master of Engineering on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.