By Joey Hou, MEng ’23 (EECS)
This life in tech interview is part of a series from E295: Communications for Engineering Leaders. In this course, Master of Engineering students were tasked with conducting an informational interview to learn more about working in tech. They then submitted a written account of the interview, edited and organized to create a clear, compelling narrative.

“Haotian and his uncle not only provided real-life examples of how they managed to persevere under difficult circumstances but also showed me a positive and wise mindset.”While global situations were out of their control, they were able to exercise agency in their mind and put a plan in place to prepare for the next opportunity. Their life stories were inspirational for me as a new graduate in 2023, who is currently standing at a fork in the road, deciding which path I should take. Connect with Joey Hou. Edited by Mary Tran.
Life in Tech: Doubts and decisions in graduate school was originally published in Berkeley Master of Engineering on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.