By Caroline Osterman

This year’s fellows are Liwei Chen, Elizabeth Foster, and Liam Purvis.

Liwei Chen
Candidate for MEng in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Systems Engineering Fellowship Category: Energy: Smart utility systems for rural electric cooperatives Undergraduate degree: Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Capstone project: Smart utility systems for rural electric cooperatives with the Post Road Foundation (Adviser: Gabriel Gomes, Lecturer, ME)
Elizabeth Foster
Candidate for MEng in Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Energy Technology Fellowship Category: Energy: Smart utility systems for rural electric cooperatives Undergraduate degree: Electrical Engineering, University of Kentucky Capstone project: Smart utility systems for rural electric cooperatives with the Post Road Foundation (Adviser: Gabriel Gomes, Lecturer, ME)
Liam Purvis
Candidate for MEng in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Data Science and Systems Fellowship Category: Wireless Comm and Sensors: Intelligent Collaborative Radio Networks Undergraduate degree: Statistics, University of California, Berkeley Capstone project: Intelligent Collaborative Radio Networks (Advisers: Anant Sahai and John Wawrzynek, Professors, EECS)2019 Eaton-Hachigian Fellowship Recipients was originally published in Berkeley Master of Engineering on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.