Hello designers, developers, changemakers, innovators, and health enthusiasts!
Calling all UC Berkeley students! Are you interested in improving the health experience for patients and practitioners? Do you want to develop a real mobile app with guidance from Apple developers?
UCSF practitioners have proposed mobile app ideas to improve research, clinical practice, patient care and education, and overall community health utilizing Apple/iOS products. UC Berkeley students are invited to form interdisciplinary teams to develop these mobile apps as iOS prototypes together with UCSF practitioners. You will utilize Apple open source tool kits and receive support from iOS developers during the three-week development phase.
Nine proposals have been selected for this year’s event, and students will have the opportunity to sign up to work on a proposal. Each proposal will have a limited number of developer slots. Students may join a team as an individual developer or sign up with a group.
Teams will be finalized following our virtual Un-Pitch Kick-Off Event on Tuesday, January 18 from 12-1pm, and they will have 2 weeks to work on their app before the final judging event on Thursday, February 3. The winning team will be offered a position in the incubator track at SkyDeck beginning May 2022 and other great prizes!
Final iHackHealth Appathon Pitch Event Recording
- Teams need to be updated and finalized on the sign up sheet, bit.ly/iHackHealth22, by tonight, January 18 at 11:59pm PT.
- Resources, including the slides and recording from the UnPitch Kickoff Event, can be found in the iHackHealth Resources folder.
- If your team does not have a Mac, MacBooks may be checked out from the UC Berkeley Library.
- If your team would like to checkout an Apple Watch or AirPods please complete this check-out form. Questions? Email: Julie McShane, jmcshane@berkeley.edu.
- Jan 18: Teams finalized by 11:59pm PT
- Jan 18-Feb 2: App Build Phase/ Apple Zoom Sessions/Appathon Staff Office Hours
- Feb 2: Slides due for Virtual Final Pitch Event
- Feb 3: Virtual Final Pitch Event, 5-7pm
- Zoom sessions with Mark Malone (mgm@apple.com) and his team begin this Friday!
- They will be held both Fridays during the build period at 12pm (1/21 and 1/28). The Zoom link for this week’s session is: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/
92254717109 and can also be found in the Resource Folder. - To help make these sessions as productive as possible for all teams, we ask that you submit questions you have beforehand using this Question Submission Form.
February 1 & 2: 20 minute sessions
To help prepare for your presentation, please sign up with your team for a 20-minute slot to get feedback on your slides, hone your presentation, and set your team up for success! Consider this a “dress rehearsal” and we highly recommend taking advantage of this unique opportunity with the Directors from UCSF’s LaunchPad and Catalyst programs.
Please register for the final iHackHealth virtual event on Thursday, February 3 from 5-7pm PST.
This event is not mandatory for all team members, however, it will be a fun and worthwhile experience and we would like the majority of your team to be there! You will need to designate some members of your team to present your product to the judges and one person to drive your slide presentation. The team member that will be driving the slides is encouraged to log into Zoom before the event on 2/3 between 4:30-5pm to test their slides. Please also have the student sign-up sheet accurately representing the names of who participated on your team.
This will be an exciting event where we get to hear from all the teams and feedback from our prestigious judges (Apple, KP Digital, Berkeley Bioengineering) so feel free to invite your friends and family to watch your pitch!
The event will start on “Berkeley time” at 5:10pm PST and here is the event schedule:
- 5:10-5:15 Welcome Remarks
- 5:15-6:20 Pitches and Q&A with the judges
- 6:20-6:30 Judges deliberate while participants hear from Apple and Appathon staff
- 6:30-6:35 Judges announce winners!
- 6:35-6:59 Breakout rooms with teams and mingle with iHackHealth judges and staff
Each pitch will be allotted up to 5 minutes to present their app prototype, followed by up to 3 minutes of questions from the judges. Keep in mind that the judges that will determine the best overall project (reference the rubric below) have not heard of the problem that you are trying to solve with the development of an app. We suggest that you develop a presentation that can succinctly describe the problem before the development phase (you could copy and paste a lot of the kick-off event material presented by UCSF PIs) and then the remaining portion of the presentation should be demoing the app itself to show why the software that was built is on the right path of solving this problem. You should also mention what additional content you would add to the app if your project is chosen as the winner. In our opinion, the ideal framework would be:
- Intro slide (Project Title, Team Members and Dept/Majors)
- Problem description (1 minute slide presentation – UCSF)
- App demo (2-3 minutes live app demo – UC Berkeley Student)
- Future iterations (1 minute highlighting where/what this would look like in the app – UCSF or UC Berkeley Student)
These presentations should be done as a team, meaning that both the UCSF PI and at least one person from the Berkeley team should be presenting.
Please upload your final slides no later than Wednesday 2/2 at 11:59pm to the folder with your UCSF PI’s name: https://ucsf.box.com/s/mkybtb1d9tsxmrm5c1w92bxprwnd29o0
Each category can be scored from 1-10 points for a total of 50 points.
- Demonstrated Consumer Need – Does your team articulate the societal impact of your solution? And the needs of the user?
- Innovative Solution – How unique or novel is your team’s design to address the proposal? How impactful is your specific solution for their customer group?
- Market Readiness – How refined is the prototype deliverable? How well does your team’s solution address the need outlined in the proposal?
- Effective use of AppleKits – How well does your team implement apple kits to support the development of the prototype?
- Overall Quality of the Presentation – How does your team’s presentation come across in terms of quality of public speaking, visual communications and supporting materials used, and engagement with the audience?
In addition to the exciting opportunity to pitch in front of leaders at Apple, KP Digital, UCSF, and UC Berkeley we also wanted to remind everyone about the exciting prizes that the winning team will receive:
- Fast-track into UC Berkeley SkyDeck Incubator
- Meet & greet with UCSF Innovation Hub
- Recognition from Apple
Gift card prizes:
- 1st place $500
- 2nd place $300
- 3rd place $200
if you have any questions, please contact Julie McShane: jmcshane@berkeley.edu or Derek Harmon: derek.harmon@ucsf.edu.