1st Place: DermScan
Team: Mitchell Wong, William Hou, Rachel Sklar, Anvitha Kachinthaya, Sofia Guarnieri, Verena Yiu, Sherry Zhou, Xingtai Huang, Mercedes Saldana, Zhaohui Wu, Jose Chavez PI: David Wu, UCSF The first place team developed an app called “DermScan” which proposes a smartphone app where patients and dermatologists can monitor skin disease over time. It consists of:- An interface for the patient to scan their skin with their smartphone, leveraging 3D LiDAR scanning technology to automatically map the skin onto a 3D model;
- An interface for viewing the model and skin changes over time;
- Quantification of clinical features (e.g. size/color of moles or rashes), powered by machine learning to provide real-time alerts on disease progression.
2nd Place: Bellweather
Team: Jakob Kraiger, Kailin Li, Varsha Madapoosi, Nikki Catangay, Jin Wei Wong, Ayushi Batwara, Steven Gunarso, Anna Weber, Meera Vinod PI: Stefano Leitner, UCSF The second place team developed an app called “Bellweather” which combines health, demographic, and weather forecasting data, to help identify individuals at risk for adverse health outcomes from severe weather events and allow for targeted opportunities for prevention. This project is a response to the health impacts and healthcare costs resulting from climate change.3rd Place: AI-based Mobile Stroke Scale (AIMSS)
Team: Faezeh Taghva, Po Ya Tung, Billiemaz Clémence, Rose Niu, Cornelius Hart, Kristjana Kristinsdóttir, Jacqueline Chuang, Raed Hanoon, Sagar Patel, Valen Patricia Li PI: Lohith Kini, UCSF The third place team developed an app called “AIMSS,” which stands for “AI-based mobile stroke scale.” Using machine learning and computer vision via a phone’s camera, the app calculates a stroke scale. A physician anywhere can provide virtual guidance, like in low-resource areas or to an ambulance to prepare for intervention on arrival. When every second counts for the brain, the AIMSS app can put more time on the clock. All the teams gave great pitches and accomplished a lot over the two-week development phase. It was an honor to collaborate with everyone that contributed and worked on this event. We would like to especially thank our judges for their time and expertise: Afshad Mistri (Worldwide Healthcare Markets, Apple), Dorian Liepmann PhD (UC Berkeley Bioengineering faculty), Leslie Yuan MPH (Chief Information Officer and Director of Research Technology, UCSF Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI)), and Sheila Baxter MPH (Principal of Business Development, Chief of Staff Team, Kaiser Permanente Digital). Learn more about the 2022 iHackHealth Appathon.DermScan team wins 2022 iHackHealth Appathon was originally published in Berkeley Master of Engineering on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.