Taken from KTVU News
Experts say users will likely see changes because the company must find a way to make money to satisfy its shareholders.
“It has got to show the market how it can convert millions and millions of users all over the world into customers,” said John Danner, a senior fellow at UC Haas School of Business.
Danner says that will be a challenge for Twitter. The company has never turned a profit.
Experts say users will likely see more advertising or more efforts to collect users’ data to sell to marketers.
If it’s not going to be users themselves paying to opt out of being advertised to, then you have to think can you capture the demographic information? Can you capture intelligence about what people are communicating about? With whom? What are their networks?
Another UC Haas Business School lecturer Mark Coopersmith says Twitter must innovate, but without alienating its loyal users who increasingly have other options.
“We see how quickly new technologies arise, how quickly new trends popup, how quickly Facebook replaces Myspace. Is Twitter going to be as durable?” said Mark Coopersmith, a lecturer on entrepreneurship at UC Haas School of Business.