Capstone in real-time: Following the journey of the 2020–21 Blue Goji team and finding alternative resources and solutions
← Previous: Read about how Blue Goji team established task interdependence
Second challenge: Finding alternative resources and solutions
At the time of our second check-in, the Blue Goji team was in the “norming” stage of team development and had worked together for a couple of months already. Before COVID, Blue Goji teams would have had in-person lab access to a prototype treadmill and would have been able to test their VR games on an elderly user population. Last year’s closures, however, greatly limited campus resources. However, instead of being hung up on the lack of access to the testing equipment, the team made…Key decisions in identifying alternatives and *workarounds*:
- Express major project concerns to stakeholders and brainstorm solutions and options together.
- Being flexible with the project plan and objectives. Understand that the initial project vision may evolve, especially during uncertain times with limited resources.
- Maintain consistent communication with stakeholders and utilize their expertise throughout the process.
Downstream effects:
By expressing major needs and concerns to stakeholders, the Blue Goji team was able to identify practical workarounds. The team was sent a SDK (software development toolkit) resource, which allowed their VR games to be accessible on the treadmill system. The industry sponsor, who had access to the equipment, agreed to carry out user testing for those VR games and garner data for the Data Team. The coordinated effort from the team and stakeholders helped with devising an alternative route to project success. Next: Read about how the Blue Goji team created additional value for sponsors→ Connect with the 2020–21 Blue Goji MEng capstone team: Anna Wolfe (ME), Calvin Shih (ME), Derek Ho (ME), Xinghsuo Yan (CEE) Compiled and edited by the Fung Institute team.Blue Goji capstone team: Finding alternative resources and solutions (2/3) was originally published in Berkeley Master of Engineering on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.