Music and audio are an integral part of our everyday lives. But, when you listen to music over headphones, why doesn’t it sound better? You might have noticed that you have two ears but recordings rarely take advantage of this fact. How can we make this experience better and help students to understand how their ears work?
For this design challenge, undergraduates will team up with UC Berkeley Master of Engineering students to create an educational learning kit (inspired by BOSEbuild) aimed at middle and high school students using headphones and microphones. To help participants design and develop, there will be pre-event webinars to familiarize them with Autodesk’s Fusion 360 modelling tools. On the day of the challenge, there will be a hands-on workshop to explore making and manipulating audio recordings using BOSE headphone hardware.
The challenge will be judged by industry leaders including:
Neal Lackritz, Director of Technical Education and Development, BOSE.
Lee Zamir, Director BOSEbuild, BOSE.
Jeff, Program Manager – Education Programs, Autodesk.
Jay, Executive Director, Real Industry.
Priya, Program Director, Real Industry.
Euiyoung Kim, PhD, Postdoctoral Design Fellow, Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation.
Alan Van Pelt, Instructor – Innovation and Design Thinking, UC Berkeley.
Overall, this will be an opportunity for undergraduates and Masters students to come together for a great team experience, deepening technical, innovation, and leadership skills on a real impact challenge, and while winning teams will receive QuietComfort 35 wireless headphones, all teams get to keep the headphone hardware from BOSE that they’ve worked with throughout the challenge.
Date: Saturday, October 22nd 2016, 9AM-6PM
Location: Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation @ UC Berkeley
Prizes: QuietComfort 35 wireless headphones (valued at $349.95 RRP)
Contact: or call (510) 642-0633 if you have questions.
Registration: Click here! (Registration will close at 11am, October 14th 2016)
Like us on Facebook: Click here!
October 22nd Design Challenge Event Schedule (subject to change)
9:00 AM — Breakfast
9:30 AM — Welcome & Design Introduction
10:15 AM — Explore the technology
11:15 AM — Customer Discovery & Q&A
11:30 AM — Challenge Commences
5:00 PM — Pitches
6:00 PM — Winners & Prizes Announced
* Lunch & afternoon snack provided
Please register to receive further instructions for the event.
Hosted by Berkeley’s Master of Engineering Program and generously sponsored by: